i have new lights for my car but i cant figure out how to replace the lightsHow do i change my headlights on a 98 lincoln continental?
Lights or bulbs ?
Bulbs--open the %26quot;access flaps%26quot; over each headlight, get your hand in there, and turn the socket clockwise, and pull the whole thing out.
Lights, I think you have to remove the entire plastic cover with the flaps, pop each plastic screw out with a screwdriver (they probably don't unscrew, this is the most stupid thing Ford uses) and the headlights are removable by unscrewing the nuts holding each headlight on. When you replace that plastic cover, use plastic push pins that are available at any auto parts store . They have a wide top of the pin and flanges. You can easily replace those in the future (they also will pop out and can't be used again).
You may want to have a mechanic do this, or go to a Lincoln dealer and ask if a mechanic will quickly explain to you what you have to do.How do i change my headlights on a 98 lincoln continental?
Very simple, open the hood, remove the front plastic above the lights by pulling toward the rear of the car. Remove the 2 retainers by pulling straight up( they will look like small squares) and the assembly will pull straight out the front.
Hope it helps....How do i change my headlights on a 98 lincoln continental?
well the bulb is the only part,the glass stays in,part 9007, twist the black sleeve that the wires run through and pull it towards the engine,remove the connector snd put in the new bulb,DO NOT TOUCH THIS BULB WITH YOUR FINGERS, the oil from your skin will cause the bulb to blow....How do i change my headlights on a 98 lincoln continental?
For all things Lincoln visit Lincolnsonline.com, there's a great tech section and lots of help in the forums.