thanksHow do i change out my headlights for a 1998 ford Mustang?
If your jus changing bulbs, that can be done from behind lights.
If your changing housing, side markers do need to come off, its very simple for do it yourselfers.
Aftrmkt lights come w/ directions. Jus look everything over, take your time, remember where everthing goes.
Im not positive about ur car but some lights have pop in clips!How do i change out my headlights for a 1998 ford Mustang?
No you can reach the connector from behind the light.How do i change out my headlights for a 1998 ford Mustang?
If its like the 99(yeah yeah body revision at 99) theres these 2 pins you pull up and then all you have to do is detatch the lightbulbs and pull up.